Rosemary Goring

venue Buccleuch Marquee
date Saturday 15 June
time 5:30 pm
ticket prices £10 | £8

Rosemary Goring, the Literary Editor and columnist for The Herald and the Sunday Herald, has written a brilliant account of one of most famous queens in history. Homecoming: The Scottish Years of Mary Queen of Scots is a fascinating account of her childhood, and then her return to Scotland as an 18-year-old widow. After the death of her husband, Francis II of France in 1560, she attempted to take control of a nation riven by faction and at a turning point in its history as the Reformation established the Church of Scotland. Rosemary describes, beautifully and accurately, a tumultuous court and culture as she relates the downfall of Mary. In this evocative retelling, the young queen can be seen for who she really was.

Photo © Chris Scott

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