A Celebration of Nan Shepherd
with Kerri Andrews & Ellie Zeegen

venue BSW Group Marquee
date Friday 14 June
time 5:30 pm
ticket prices £10 | £8

In Kerri Andrews’ Wanderers she shares a beguiling history of ten pathfinding women walkers, with figures including Nan Shepherd, Dorothy Wordsworth and Virginia Woolf, who found walking essential to their sense of themselves, as people and as writers. She also spotlights the prolific walker and mountain writer Nan Shepherd, whose poetic and philosophical works, including The Living Mountain have inspired a new generation of readers and writers. In this event, Kerri and actor and founder of Firebrand theatre company Ellie Zeegen discuss how Shepherd’s experiences as author, teacher, hillwalker and lover helped shape Scotland’s recent literary history and sparked their collaboration on the new play Nan Shepherd: Naked and Unashamed, which runs at Pitlochry Festival Theatre this summer.

Photo © Ewan Tait

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